Does My Ex Affair Partner Miss Me? [Notice These Signs]
Yes, your ex-partner misses you. When their number flashes on your phone screen more than usual, it is a sign that s/he misses you and is thinking of a way to reconcile. Your ex affair partner may be dropping some other signs to show how much they miss being together.
Have you ever pondered whether an ex-partner thinks about you? This question has been on the minds of many for ages.
You're not sure, and it's eating at you. You want to know if s/he's thinking about you as much as you're thinking about them. You want to know if they dream about the good times, too, or if their minds focus on the new woman or man in their life.
If you've ever wondered whether or not your ex-affair partner misses you, then I have good news: You can tell by these signs of missing you.
You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this out.
The EIGHT sure shot signs of your ex-affair partner, missing you
(Don't miss out on the sassy solutions, your treasure hunt begins here)
Our research has shown that when someone misses you, they will exhibit one of these behaviors at least. If your ex-affair partner exhibits all of them, it's a pretty safe bet that they miss you.
#1 They call you more often than usual
Is your ex affair partner calling you more than usual? It could be because they miss you and want to hang out. It also could be that they want to tell you how much they regret what happened between the two of you or maybe even apologize for their behavior.
They keep saying that they want things to go back to how you and your then affair partner used to be and miss you too much already.
It's hard not to wonder why someone would call after a breakup if they didn't care about you anymore—but they may do. And if they do, then there's no harm in talking with them.
I'd say keep the conversation short and sweet—and don't get into a long, deep talk with them. As much as we all want closure and answers about what went wrong in our relationships, sometimes it's best to leave things alone.
Pro Tip: If your ex affair partner is just trying to get information from you or make you feel bad about yourself, I'd suggest not speaking with them and letting them know how much their behavior hurt you. They'll know that their actions were unacceptable and hopefully won't do it again!
#2 They keep texting you
If you have been involved with an ex-affair partner, they may miss you. If your ex-affair partner keeps texting you, it is a sure-fire sign that they are missing your presence in their life.
They may be trying to reach out in hopes that you'll respond, and if you don't, they'll keep trying until they get what they want.
If you want them back:
You can start by making it clear that you miss them as well, but remember not to come across as too desperate or needy, as this will make them feel uncomfortable and might even push them away from getting back together with you.
Let them softly know that although they've been gone from your life for a while now, they haven't been forgotten yet either!
If you do want them back in life, then here's what I would suggest:
Don't reply too quickly and wait until they have come around and have stopped texting before replying. This will show your ex affair partner that you're interested but not too interested in getting back together again with them as soon as possible!
#3 They try to make plans with you
If your ex affair partner misses you, they will try to make plans with you even when they know they can't meet up with you. This can signify that your ex affair partner is missing your presence in their life.
Your ex tells you about their struggles with loneliness and wanting companionship—both things that can often be remedied by spending time with someone who cares deeply about them!
If this is the case, then maybe it's time for you to consider getting back together? Talk to them about their feelings and try to understand what they're going through.
Pro Tip: It's important to remember that if your ex affair partner misses you, it doesn't mean that they still care about you or want you back in their life.
It may mean that they're lonely and need someone to talk to and spend time with. If this is the case, don't get too excited about reconnecting with them because there are no guarantees that it will end well if things progress further than just casual conversations.
#4 They are sending you gifts
Have you ever found yourself wondering if your ex affair partner misses you? It's a question that can be hard to answer for yourself, but it's also one that many people have.
If you're feeling like your ex affair partner is sending you gifts that are meant to impress or make you happy, there's a good chance they may have been missing your presence in their life.
They're trying to make up for what they did to you by sending gifts and showing you affection, but it's not going to work if you don't want it to.
If you want your ex affair partner back in your life, then accept the gifts with open arms and ask them out on a date! If not, tell them straight up that you don't want to see them or hear from them again and keep it moving!
#5 They are trying to be nice and sweet
Your ex affair partner is trying to be nice and sweet to you is a sign that they miss your presence in their life.
They are doing it because they realized that being with you was the best thing that happened in their lives. They want to get back together with you.
What should you do if you want your ex affair partner back in life?
If you want your ex affair partner back in life, you must show them that you are willing to forgive them for what they did and give them another chance.
You should talk to them about how much you love them and how much they mean to you.
What should you do if you don't want my ex affair partner back in life?
If you don't want your ex affair partner back in life, there is no point in making amends with them because there will always be tension between you and your partner. You should focus on yourself and spend time on things that impact your life.
#6 They keep talking about the good old days
If your ex affair partner keeps talking about the good old days, it might mean that they still miss you. It could be that they are trying to rekindle the romance. They probably thought about you a lot when and now that you're apart, they want to remind themselves of what it was like to be with you.
If you decide that you'd like to try for a reconciliation, make sure that your intentions are clear.
If you want to be friends with them, just tell them that. If you want to get back together romantically, tell them that too!
Either way, make sure they know what's going on. Hence, there are no misunderstandings or false expectations on either side of the relationship before moving forward with any course of action.
If you don't want to get back together with your ex,
The best thing to do is just be honest and tell them that you're not interested in rekindling the relationship.
You can do this by saying something like, "I'm sorry if this makes you sad, but I don't think it would be good for us to get back together right now." If they keep asking questions or pushing for a conversation, just repeat your statement and move forward with your day.
#7 Their social media posts hint at you
If your ex affair partner is posting cryptic messages on social media, it's probably because they miss you.
They may be trying to flirt with you, but chances are they are just trying to get your attention and let you know that they think about you.
They may be looking for a way to get back together with you. Your ex affair partner probably wants a response from you, but they don't want to risk showing their true feelings in person or over the phone.
What should you do if you want your ex affair partner back in life?
If you want your ex affair partner back in life, I would recommend sending them a message telling them how much you care about them and how much you miss being with them.
Let them know that you understand why things didn't work out between the two of you but that you hope that someday down the road, there will be another chance for both of you to be together again.
If you don't want your ex affair partner back in life:
Then just ignore their posts on social media. Don't comment or react to anything they post because this will only encourage them and make them think there is still a chance for the two of you when there isn't one.
So just pretend like they aren't even out there until they realize they need to move on with their lives and forget about everything that happened between the two of you before. If they truly love themselves and others around them who care about their well-being too!
#8 They have reached out to some of your mutual friends
Your ex affair partner has reached out to some of your mutual friends. It is a sign they miss you. They want to know how you are doing, if you have been dating anyone, and if you have any chances of getting back together.
When someone reaches out to their mutual friends, they are trying to find answers about their relationship and where it stands. This can be a very difficult time for them, and they need support from those around them.
What should you do if you want your ex affair partner back in life?
If you want them back in your life, take this opportunity to show them how much they mean to you. Send a message that shows that while things may have been difficult between the two of you and your relationship ended, there is still room for reconciliation and reconnection. Be sure that any messages are sent in a respectful tone to not come across as pushy or demanding.
If not, let them know that it was a mistake for both of you and won't ever happen again. Letting go is hard, but it's necessary if either party wants to move forward with their lives.
#9 They are showing helplessness
If you're wondering whether or not your ex-partner misses you, the best thing to do is to look at their behavior. If they're complaining about how lonely their life is now that they don't have anyone special in their life anymore—that is, someone who makes them feel loved, special, and cared for all the time—then it's likely that they do miss you!
If you want them back in your life,
The best thing to do is to stay away from them for a little while. This will give them time to think about what they've lost and make sure that this time apart has made them realize how much better off they are without you around.
So what should you not do if you don't want to make them part of your life again?
Don't let yourself be drawn into a conversation about how lonely and unhappy they are. It's tempting! But it will only make things worse for both of you because they will end up feeling worse about themselves.
Instead, focus on your happiness and well-being by keeping busy with friends and hobbies that make you feel good about yourself.
I know you are heartbroken and confused. I know how it feels like when your partner is missing you, but still, you don't have any clue what they are doing. You might be thinking that they have moved on and have no feelings for you anymore.
Many signs prove your ex affair partner is missing you. These signs can help you understand their feelings better and help you to come up with solutions that will make them realize how much they love you.
I have shared every possible sign that proves your ex affair partner is missing you. These are not only signs but packed with solutions from different perspectives. All you need is to identify the signs you have received in the past few days/weeks or months, get started with the advised solution, or find other ways you feel most comfortable.