Can I Give My Boyfriend a Promise Ring? (Answered)
Yes, you can give your boyfriend a promise ring, but only if you are sure. A promise ring doesn't only show that you are committed to him, but it's also a responsibility for your partner to be sincere about you. So, if you feel that he is the person for you and you are ready to be with him no matter what, then you can give him a promise ring. However, never go for such a big commitment only to get his attention.
Love blossoms in the little things just as much as in big celebrations. Feeling treasured and pampered by your sweetheart is a joy like no other. When the sun sets, nothing beats making your partner smile and laying your head on their shoulder. Picture a paradise for lovers, a place without worries, where you and your love live in a world of shared affection.
Cherishing those special moments with your partner is a huge part of every relationship. And what makes a relationship even more special is the little things you give each other as memories.
Birthday, anniversary, and Valentine's Day gifts are significant for your partner as they hold a special position. But one thing that has more value is a promise ring. Couples often in a relationship give each other a promise ring as a promise to be with each other in this journey.
Promise rings have different meanings attached to them. Hence it becomes all the more important to decide when it is right to give a promise ring and whether it would be the right thing to give a promise ring- many questions go around in mind.
Reasons for giving your boyfriend a promise ring
Promise rings can be a token of love. However, there may be ample reasons for you to give your boyfriend a promise ring. Let's jump in and find out.
#1 You want to show your commitment
Commitment is one of the biggest aspects of any relationship. When you show commitment towards your partner and receive the same kind of commitment, the bond strengthens more.
After being with your boyfriend, you might want to show him your deep love for him. Giving a promise ring is an expression of your love. You want him to understand that you are committed to him, and he is the one for you.
Your boyfriend will also feel your love for him. It's not just any regular gift; it is a promise ring that marks an important step in your relationship.
#2 You are starting an LDR
Couples sometimes have to choose LDR because of various reasons. Be it career or study, there is one dreaded moment in every couple's life where you two have to be apart.
So, if you are at a stage of your relationship where your boyfriend is leaving the city or country to pursue his aims, you can give him a promise ring. LDR comes with lots of fears and uncertainties. And a promise ring is a sign for you two to hold on to each other even if there are thousands of miles of difference between you.
You give him a ring as a reminder to stay strong in the relationship despite all issues. He has also become more responsible and is keen to meet you as soon as possible. Even if you two fight, the promise ring will be a positive sign and remind both of you about your importance to each other.
#3 You want to take it to the next level
A promise ring is a sure sign of where you want to take your relationship next. If he is the one for you and you are sure you want to spend the rest of your life with him, then giving him a promise ring can be the best decision.
Also, if you wish to propose to him in a unique way, surprise him with a promise ring, and he will jump with joy. Even if you two plan to get married a few years later, a promise ring ensures that you are serious about each other.
This is a sweet way of telling your boyfriend that you have made up your mind and can't think of anyone else as your partner.
#4 You want to make him special
The joy of making your partner feel special is unparallel. And these are the sweet moments in a relationship that make it worth fighting for. So, if your boyfriend is the most special person in your life and you want to give him a token of love, promise rings are the best way to express your deep love for him.
He will feel out of the world and understand your love's depth. Your boyfriend will get to know that you can go that extra mile for him only to make him special. And that feeling is super amazing for him.
He will put more effort into the relationship and make sure that he treats with the same love and care.
#5 You want to create a special moment
Special moments are always cherishable in a relationship. So, if you wish to do something different for your partner, giving him a promise ring can be a great surprise. Suppose you usually gift your boyfriend only his favorite things on special occasions like his birthday or anniversary. In that case, getting a sudden gift from you will uplift him even more.
Since he won't be expecting a promise ring, you can see his genuine reactions. He will be super happy to have you as his partner, and it will be a very special moment for both of you.
Also, a promise is not just any other gift. It has a deep meaning attached to it. Your gesture will certainly move your boyfriend, and seeing your sincere love for him will attract you even more.
#6 You want to apologize for your mistake
Relationships have their fair share of obstacles. But there are ways to overcome it if you are true to your feelings. So, if you have done any mistake or anything that has shaken the foundation of your relationship, a promise ring can be a sincere gesture.
If your boyfriend is upset by any of your actions, and you wish to reconcile with him, you can give him a promise ring. It will show your love and dedication to him. At the same time, this gesture will convey how much you regret your actions and that you are genuinely disappointed to be breaking his heart.
A promise ring is a bigger apology than a simple sorry or just a card. Even if it takes time for him to regain his trust in you, he will surely know that you are very much into him and are not ready to let go of him.
#7 You are proposing to your boyfriend
What can be better than giving a promise ring to propose to your boyfriend? Gone are the days when only boys used to go down on their knees and propose to their girlfriends. Nowadays, girlfriends gladly don this new role and are ready to go on their knees for their beloved boyfriend.
So, if you plan to make a romantic gesture for your boyfriend, get him a promise ring. It can be a great prelude to your engagement, also. Besides, it makes things official and even more serious. So, your boyfriend gets hints that you are also thinking about getting married to him.
It can be a great conversation starter if you have been awkward talking about your marriage plans. You can see a huge difference in your boyfriend's attitude as well. After receiving such a sweet gesture from your end, he will take charge on his own and start planning about marriage.
Are promise rings important?
Promise rings are not just any other gifts. They have different purposes to serve. While you can just give any random ring to your partner, a promise ring holds a different significance. It is an important event in every couple's life.
It conveys that you both promise to be with each other. And this is a huge step. Not every couple has the courage to take such a big step in their relationship. Also, it goes beyond feelings and emotions.
You basically give a part of yourself to your partner through this physical object. And your partner, too, wears it to show his dedication and commitment to you. This is a symbol for both of you that you have chosen to be together and are prepared to fight all odds that come your way. Promise rings are like giving each other assurance that you are not giving up on each other under any circumstance.
Your friends, family, and everyone around you also get a glimpse of the stage of your relationship. They also get a taste that it's not some casual dating or a frivolous thing; rather, you are one couple who value each other and wish to be together.
What is the right time to give a promise ring to my boyfriend?
Since this will mark an important event in your relationship, you must take the decision wisely. Do not rush into this decision. Give yourself and your relationship enough time to understand the significance of it.
Usually, couples who have been in a relationship for more than 2 years are quite sure about each other. However, some couples take 5 to 6 years to make this decision. There is no specific right time for this, though. But if you have just dated a boy for a month and you feel like buying him a promise ring, just think slow.
Being impulsive and emotional in such situations can create a ton of complications in both of your lives. If certain things do not work out in the future, both of you will be heartbroken by this decision. Also, when you give a promise ring if your partner is not so sure about you, he becomes obliged. He falls into a trap. On the one hand, he doesn't want to hurt you, and on the other, he can't cheat his own feelings. If he accepts the ring, he will be falsely promising you.
So, take time and listen to your head and heart both. Do not go with the flow and be influenced by your peers. If you feel that your best friend has given a ring to his boyfriend, so should you, then you must think twice.
This is one decision for your relationship that should come from your heart. You will feel from within that this is the right time to make this big decision. Ensure that you do not put pressure on yourself or on your partner.
Does the promise ring ensure no "breakup"?
There are no certainties in a relationship. You never know what goes inside the mind. While no couples want anything bad to happen in their relationship, one can't really control the future.
A promise ring definitely signifies a stronger bond between you two. So petty fights or issues will never be the reason for your breakup. The promise rings here certainly act as catalysts; they remind both of you where you started and why you gave this ring to your partner. Hence breaking up will never be an instant reaction from anyone on your end because you are committed and want to resolve the issue.
However, you must reconsider your decisions if the problems are larger, like infidelity or even compatibility or trust issues. In such cases, promise rings usually take the back seat. At the end of the day, it's about how you two want to tackle the situation. So, if you think taking a break from each other for a while will help you to reconcile, you can go ahead.
Promise rings will remind you or your boyfriend of your presence and the sacred bond you two share.
What to do if he rejects my promise ring?
Rejecting promise rings can be a red flag for sure. If your boyfriend is not serious about you and the relationship, he will not accept it. Also, if he feels it is too early to commit to a relationship and think about the future, he will not be going to receive your ring.
So, what should you do in such a situation?
- Give him time. When you give him time, he can think on his own. He will not receive your ring to please you. Also, time can be a great healer. He can think of all the memories you two built and will also assess your commitment and love towards him, which can change his negative attitude toward the promise ring.
- Respect his decision. If he says "no," respect it. Pressuring or emotionally blackmailing him into accepting your ring is never the right way forward. He is not sure about you at this time, and it's better not to give such a precious thing to someone uncertain about you.
- Understand his perspective. Perhaps he has commitment issues, or at this moment, he feels that the relationship is not the only focus. He might go through other career or family problems as well. At such a moment, a promise ring can seem like an added burden for him. So, try to put yourself in his shoes and understand him.
- Show your conviction. If your boyfriend dismisses your ring, saying that he feels you are only doing it for fun, you have to show your dedication to him. He must feel your love for him through this special gesture. It should never seem that you are trying to please him with this ring or win his heart over an argument.
- Be patient with him. He can be totally taken aback by this sudden surprise. So, do not misinterpret his reactions. Since this is quite big for both of you, he might want some personal space to fathom the entire process. So, if you don't get an instant happy reaction from his end, wait for him. He will surely come around and respond to you in the sweetest way possible.
Should I force my boyfriend to take my promise ring?
No, you should not force your boyfriend to take your promise ring. If he feels this is not the right time for him to take such a serious decision, forcing him is not a good idea. This feeling should come from within. When he is truly in love with you, he will be on cloud nine to receive a promise ring for you. You would see the genuine reaction in his eyes, actions, and efforts.
So, if he rejects your promise ring in the first place, you can try to convince him once. But never to go to such an extent where you have to beg for your love or stoop down your self-respect.
Give him time and space. You will also get a vibe whether this guy was at all serious with you or not. So, it will be easier for you to make a decision in the future regarding your relationship status with you.
Final words
A promise ring comes with hopes, promises, and happiness. While you give yourself a promise ring with a heart filled with love, your boyfriend might not be ready for it yet. So, prepare your mind for all sorts of reactions ad responses.
A true man will feel the luckiest in the world when his girlfriend gives him a promise ring. Be wise and make this moment a memorable one.